XOXO; sam worthington is so adorable.
XOXOXO; so is jason bateman.
i finally watched avatar before it made its move off the movie screen.
i finally watched avatar before it made its move off the movie screen.
i never had a desire to watch it when it was first coming out for many reasons:
a) i didnt really understand the trailer lolol
b) it never appealed to me graphically? - i loved FF, but thats cause all of it was CGI, i'm not a big fan between the switcharoo of reality to CGI
i was prompted to watch avatar in 3D or at the imax theater -
but i just went to a regular one with the madre & auntie.
i definitely was impressed with the graphics and the movie was very captivating
however - i would have been just as pleased with not watching it at all.
the plot was super predictable beyond reason and grew too close in comparison with pocahontas.
indigenous people, another 'world' or different realm, sacred rituals (arranged marriages) broken the likes of another race and a creature sidekick. (raccoon/wolves vs dragonbird?)
i left the movie theater sort of unimpressed i guess?
it definitely was one to be appreciated on the big screen - but still, the hype around the movie was way different than what i saw.
my madre & auntie really enjoyed it, as they were fascinated with the effects and dramatic aspect - but they also don't watch movies that often.
of course i am in the minority of the group that have seen avatar simply because i'm not going bonkers for it.
oh well, i suppose there will be a sequel to avatar 2.
i mean, there never was one for pocahontas - so let's see how that goes with an original script!
"i guess it's half timing, and the other half''s luck"
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