Tuesday, March 30, 2010

american idol

so i'm going to dedicate this post to ai

i loooove simon. i hate how he always get boo'ed X_X it's just because every reality/ show on TV has to have an antagonist
and americans hate the bad guy!
fuck lol.
the only reason he is so upfront with these contestants is because he's providing (constructive) criticism and looking at each individual on a profession level.
yeah, he is harsh - but he's so genuine when he recognizes talent in someone.
the music industry today is fluttered with one hit wonders and it's his job on the show to filter through them all!

i am super impressed with ellen as a judge!
i think she delivers the appropriate feedback necessary assessing both the entertainment value as someone with no professional music background and on a business level looking at how successful they would be in the long run.

my favourite contestants:

Crystal Bowersox - damn that momma can sing! she has such a pure voice and a strong heart! i think she knows where she wants to be in the music industry confidently. she's set herself a part from other musicians not following the trend of being 'top 40' but still has the star quality necessary to keep her songs on the billboard. i really loved her rendition of 'midnight train to georgia' and i thought it was so beautiful to see her in a dress and heels. simon mentioned that she shouldn't allow herself to be sucked into the superficial, consumerism of today - which i totally agree with - but as long as bsox is comfortable in that element, then why not (:

Michael Lynch - big miiiiike (: his song choices are impeccable and he really knows who he wants to be as an artist. he has a harming personality and really seems like a weightlifting teddybear (: i'm not sure how far he will get in the competition - but he definitely deserves to be in the top 5! he surprised people during the auditions and i'm proud of his success!

Andrew Garcia - being a fan and subscriber of his youtube since his early days, i've really seen ag grow and improve. i am in LOVE with his voice. his covers are so zany and cute; and the raspiness of his words :3 i haven't been so impressed with his song choices after making it to the top 24, which is really disappointing - but i don't think winning ai would be right for him. to get this far in the competition is good enough to get recognized by studios and labels, and that's all contestants really need. just to be recognized.

my least favourite / hated contestants...

Katie Stevens - i'm sorry, i've never liked her as a contestant. she sings from the back of her throat which gives it too deep of a sound and way too mature of one for a 17 year old. (she also looks like she was on Family channel) i think lilly scott should still be in the competition. it really broke my heart to see her go ):

Didi Benami - there's something about her voice that really sticks out. and not in the good way either. i don't think she is talented. i think she is a three note singer. she reminds me exactly of the girl in american idol last year - with the blonde hair who got by with her looks and her niceness. this is a singing competition! the only thing i want to see is a performance and your personality!

few words:

Tim Urban - everyone is so mean towards him D: i don't think he has the vocal chops alike the other contestants - but he's trying man!! maybe he wants to go home but he keeps getting voted for. you have to give him props for being able to get up in front of national television, 4 judges that don't agree with him, and a crowd in the kodak theater (?) i think he, in ellen's words, is adorable!

Siobhan Magnus - i am super undecided about this chica. she doesn't look like the voice she projects. which kind of bothers me personally. i know it shouldn't but it does D: i do think she can sing, and she has chosen beautiful pieces so far that represent her voice beautifully! ... but it's also kind of annoying at the same time too? there's a certain familiarity with her voice within songs that gets too repetitive. this week her performance was terrible i thought. yeah she said she wanted to challenge herself to prove she could do it, but she had to have known the risk she took and the notes she missed. it is a tough song, her rendition was full of the wails but come on sweetie - you gotta play the game to stay in the game.

i don't have much to say for Lee Dewzye, Casey James & Aaron Kelly; except..
sounds the same & has no connection between him and the audience, picks songs that sound the same but is a good performer, seems too young

this season hasn't been so monumental for ai's history but i guess each season has it's own light.

XO; i love ryan seacrest. he's dreamy.
XOXO; i loveeeeed posh as a guest judge :3
XOXOXO; i super loved neilpatrickharris as a guest judge toooooo. eeeeeeeeeeeh (:

"and you, and you, and you - you're gonna love me"

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