Friday, April 29, 2011

pet peevery

i have a certain strong dislike when it comes to waiting.
patience? no. not patience, i'm a very patient person when i have reason to be patient.
waiting in the sense where i'm literally standing/sitting by myself for 30 minutes or more on someone that gives me very little notice that they will be late/or are stuck in traffic/etc etc, or when they know they'll be late and choose not to change the time even though it could have been easily done.

and don't get we wrong, i've been late to a gathering or a meeting before (though i try my best not to be), so i'm not saying everyone needs to be perky and there 10 minutes before hand.
i'm saying, if you think you're already going to have difficulty getting there at a specific time, speak up - or let me/any other party members know so that we don't have to be blindly waiting.
i think it's incredibly rude and disrespectful, especially if you make a habit out of it.
for everyone else, me included, we all planned our schedules accordingly to wake up/get dressed/catch the appropriate transit or car ride just to get our asses there either early or on time - so the least you could do is make at least half the effort. =___=;

and the thing about waiting is that when it gets to the point of 20-30 minutes and anything beyond that, when i see your face, it's really hard for me to be happy.
like at that point, i'm honestly just so tired from waiting, by myself.

side note: i really don't like being alone.
like, k that sounds terribly dependent and lame but i just get very anxious (bordering panic attack if it's a crazy scenario) and uncomfortable when i'm alone.
it's a huge insecurity i have but i can't help it.
so i usually immerse myself heavily in my music or play games, etc.
otherwise i'm a huge anxious stress case.
a real catch, i know.

but yeah - this stuff just irks me.
and i'm usually the one that always waits for everything when it comes to hanging out - no matter what group or function.
"you should be late next time!" but then i feel like that just creates a huge cycle of being late for times to come.

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